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I have been given an amazing opportunity! I was given permission to put my very eyes on an early copy of The Rejected, a new title from Source Point Press. I was given permission to review this exciting new title for you guys here on my blog!!

First I would like to express thanks for the chance to do this, and an appreciation for the labor of love that this book is. The story is by Stan Konopka, the art by Corey Christian Anderson, lettering by Micah Myers, and featuring poetry by Michelle Joy Gallagher. I have left many names out, and I do want to take a minute to show the appreciation that I have for this medium, and what it takes for it all to come together.

We are given a peek into the daily life of our main character Billy, a kid who’s just trying to survive it. We are invited into his world and allowed to see the parallels between both his school and home lives. He has no safe space. He has no friends to confide in, no doting parents waiting to ask how his day was—and more than that, he isn’t ignored. But he wishes he was. He only has his dreams to escape what lurks in his reality, and just what or who awaits him there? The Rejected.

What would we do if our darkness had names? If they introduced themselves? If it wanted to make a deal with us? We all either know, or have known Billy, and we’ve all been The Rejected. We have all had times we’ve listened to our own gloom—our own shadows looming, and swirling in our brains. That brings us to Teeth, a charismatic mix of educated eccentric Englishman, and mass of shadowy tendrils. Think a refined Oogie Boogie a la Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. The story is gripping, and the art unique and wistful, invoking its own brand of modern nostalgia. I don’t want to give anything away, because I want you to enjoy it for yourself! But, you instantly crave then next page—trust me.

The Rejected will be getting an exclusive printing at Motor City Comic Con, which is held in Michigan May 19th-21st. There will be 100 limited edition books printed for the event, with a gorgeous variant cover by Corey Christian Anderson (pictured above). I wannnnttttt! You can check out, or The Rejected's very own facebook page (give em' a like and a share) for more info, and their social media pages too! Line up at a con, and get your comic signed by artists, and authors. Plus, get your hands on some sweet new merch!

This experience has only left me with one burning question, when does book number two come out!? Seriously, I NEED to know what happens guys! Send some spoilers my way *wink wink*. I want to thank Source Point, and everyone involved in The Rejected for allowing me the opportunity to enjoy the story, and art early, and review it here! If you guys enjoyed this and would like to see more comic/book/manga reviews, or even video game reviews as its own series here on my blog, please let me know! I’ll be the Ziggy to your stardust.

Head on over to source point’s website, or Instagram page to find out how to get your hands on a copy of this little bad boy! Meet the family, and tell Mr. Teeth I sent ya! Tootles!

Live for Today, smile about Yesterday, and pray for Tomorrow.

Remember, God loves you, and cares about you & what you go through!

Stay Peachy!

All rights belong to source Point Press & Their respective owners.

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